Are you interested in hosting a chapter event at your school or in your community and need financial support?

Click here to apply now for the CSSDP Chapter Grants Program!

CSSDP chapters may apply for a grant to help support costs for chapter events. The primary intention of the CSSDP Chapter Grants Program is to help chapters increase awareness of their presence on campus and in their communities, and hopefully also increase chapter membership and/or people willing to attend and support chapter events and activities. Project based funding is also available for activities that further the goals of CSSDP.

The application will require applicants to indicate the amount they are requesting, along with a short list of expected costs. Once approved, amounts will be reimbursed after the chapter has submitted the receipt(s) for up to the amount granted.

Chapters are asked to take photos, videos, or other multimedia of the event for which they used the CSSDP Chapter Grant, and to write a short blurb (doesn’t need to be more than a few sentences) about the event (i.e. what it was and how it went) that CSSDP can use for a blog post about the outcomes of the CSSDP Chapter Grants Program. We love seeing what our chapters are up to!

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Please feel free to reach out to with any questions and concerns.

Apply now at the following link (same as link above):