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Drug Policy and Harm Reduction 101 ResourcesHarm reduction principles for cannabis:
1. Start low and go slow
2. Consider appropriate time and place
3. Choose less risky cannabis products
4. Choose safer methods of cannabis consumption
5. Utilize safer smoking practices
6. Reduce the amount of cannabis used, and how frequently it is used
7. Avoid synthetic cannabis altogether
8. Avoid mixing cannabis with tobacco and alcohol
9. Don’t drive high – have a plan for transportation before using cannabis
10. Consider your risk profile and avoid using cannabis if pregnant
– pages 45-48
Guiding principles for cannabis education:
1. Education grounded in evidence-based information
2. Non-judgmental, open dialogue that uses interactive approaches
3. Meaningful inclusion
4. Delivery by a trained facilitator or peer
5. Starting education earlier, with age-appropriate content
6. Supporting open parent-child communication
7. Inclusion of harm reduction
8. Education tailored to the specific context
9. Ongoing education available to youth
10. Attention to overlapping issues of racism, social justice, and stigma
-page 7
More Cannabis Education Resources
Cannabis Harm Reduction Information
This section explains the concept of harm reduction and provides practical applications regarding cannabis use.
10 Practical Tips for Cannabis Use Handout
This handout explains 10 harm reduction principles for cannabis use.
Chapter Organizing Tools
Our resources are created by our members, supporters and staff. If you have resources you’d like to add, please at contact us.