Please join us for our Annual General Meeting!

When: Thursday Nov 26, 4:OO PST / 5:00 CMT / 6:00 CST / 7:00 EST / 8:00 AST/ 8:30 NST

What we’ll do: Connect with chapter and board members from across Canada, review the great progress our chapters and organization has made over the past year, discuss our organization’s goals for the upcoming year, and vote in new members on our national Board of Directors! **Vote via computer or smartphone**

Who’s it for: All current board and chapter members, and any students/ youth who are interested in getting involved.

How to join: You can register with the link below, we will then email you a Zoom Link to the AGM closer to the date.

Interested in joining the board? We will accept applications until Friday, Nov. 20th.

We hope to see you there!