On April 20, cannabis users across Canada and around the world will be celebrating 420, challenging the stigma around cannabis and fighting for drug policy reform. Once again, CSSDP is hosting the 420 Blog Series to report and reflect on 420 festivities. CSSDP members from Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa will be doing outreach at 420 and writing about the festivities in the following week. If you would like to be involved, please send an email to our Outreach Director Lisa Campbell at lisac@cssdp.org. We are happy to accept and publish posts from CSSDP members and non-members, from across Canada and abroad, and from places that are represented and are not represented in the series thus far.
If you have the privilege of living in one of Canada’s major cities, there are lots of celebrations to be had! In Toronto this 420 come on down to light up Dundas Square to protest prohibition. CSSDP will be sharing a booth with CannDo Toronto, and will also be speaking on stage at 3:45pm with Trip! Project! Things will be just as big at the Vancouver Art Gallery where we will be sharing a booth with the BeKind dispensary, as well as boothing it up in Montreal. We will be selling our famous t-shirts, handing out rolling trays and providing educational information on everything from harm reduction to drug policy reform! In Ottawa there is a huge national rally to Fill the Hill, and we will have a CSSDP street team recruiting for our newly forming chapter.
Pretty much any major city in Canada, has something going on to celebrate 420. Smaller towns are also celebrating, and the movement is growing with over 41 rallies confirmed this year. Get yourself to the closest rally by searching the 420 Rally website by province to see what’s going down locally. Even if you aren’t close to a major city centre, you can still celebrate in your own way by getting together with friends and family and sharing cannabis. You don’t have to be at a huge march to celebrate the successes of the cannabis movement! Whatever you do to celebrate, blog it, tweet it and share your experience through social media to get the word out. Prohibition of cannabis is failing worldwide, and it’s high time that we legalize and regulate it.